Insulgard Security Products, the industry leader in architectural security products, has introduced the advanced new Torgard TTH600 Window system – the first fully glazed window system certified by UL (Underwriters Laboratories) to meet critical standards for use in tornado and hurricane storm shelters mandated by the 2015 International Building Code. It Is also the first to earn UL Certification to ICC 500-14 meeting FEMA361-15 Guidelines
Torgard TTH600 window system has been tested and certified by UL to meet the new ICC 500- 14 and FEMA P-361-15 requirements for use in tornado and hurricane safe rooms and shelters, including in 250mph wind zone.

This photo shows the moment of impact during Debris Impact testing of the Torgard TTH600 – a 15-pound wooden 2×4 fired from a cannon at 100mph is impacting the window. This is one of multiple debris impacts performed during windstorm certification to FEMA guidelines and ICC500-14 at UL’s Chicagoland-based Building and Life Safety Technologies Lab.