Insulgard Security Products manufactures a line of aluminum window and door systems meeting ICC500-2020 and FEMA361-2021 requirements for use in tornado and hurricane storm shelters across the country, including 250mph wind zones.  

Our STORMDEFEND impact-resistant windows and doors have been extensively tested at Underwriters Laboratory, including: 

  • Pressure testing exceeding 360psi 
  • Debris impacting testing of a 15# 2×4 at 100mph 
  • Cyclic testing of over 3000 cycles  

Cities and states in 250mph wind zones that have adopted the International Building Code® from 2015 or later require all new schools and critical emergency facilities to construct a tornado shelter that meets ICC500 requirements. If you have a safe room project that requires aluminum impact-resistant windows and doors, contact our security window experts today for more information.  

Understanding the Threat 

In a Category 5 hurricane, winds can travel at close to 200 miles per hour. Winds from a tornado can top 300 miles per hour, while producing unpredictable updrafts and downdrafts. Both can lift objects, even heavy ones, off the ground and send them flying toward structures where people are sheltering. 

Projectiles traveling hundreds of miles per hour can easily destroy conventional windows and doors, exposing the structure to the full impact of wind, rain and additional flying objects. When a projectile breaks through a window, the structure is vulnerable to dangerous pressurization that can collapse the walls and literally blow the roof off. 

Insulgard’s STORMDEFEND products are built with a thorough understanding of the threats posed by hurricanes, tornadoes and other severe weather events—and the knowledge of how to protect lives when these events strike. 

Proven Materials for Severe Weather Events 

Architects, glazing contractors and other construction professionals turn to Insulgard security products when they need to build shelters and other structures that can withstand tornadoes, hurricanes and other severe weather events. Our line of impact-resistant products includes: 

Wind and Impact Resistant Windows 

Our impact resistant windows are designed to withstand 250 mph winds while providing everyday benefits such as energy efficiency and tinting options.  

Wind and Impact Resistant Doors  

Our doors and framing components are constructed from extruded aluminum 6061-T6 alloy temper or equivalent. They come in a variety of dimensions and configurations to adapt to your design of a tornado shelter or other weather-resistant structure. 

Wind and Impact Resistant Glazing Material 

Our STORMDEFEND impact resistant glazing materials go through rigorous testing, including impacts from a wooden 2×4 traveling at 100mph, and cyclic pressure testing. 

All of our impact resistant products are also bullet resistant and tested to UL 752 level 3 standards, providing an additional layer of security to protect lives and property. 

Build With Confidence in Hurricane and Tornado Zones 

Our team of experts is on hand to help you select the impact-resistant windows and other products you need to build structures that can withstand severe weather events. Contact us to learn more about our line of impact resistant building materials or request a quote today.