Bandit barrier counterline systems offer excellent aesthetics and voice transmission characteristics. Crafted using high-quality bullet-resistant fiberglass panels, glass, or acrylic, our SAFECHANGE counterline systems act as an excellent protective barrier and theft deterrent to protect employees and assets. Transactions can be performed in complete safety, protecting both the customer and employee with the use of secure bandit barriers.

A SAFECHANGE counterline system can be customized in a variety of ways to meet your security needs and match your business requirements. At Insulgard, we can design a variety of bandit barriers that incorporate speak-thru options, currency trays, package passers, and bullet-resistant transaction windows to ensure complete safety and security.

Fabricated using UL 752 Level 1-3 materials, these SAFECHANGE systems are delivered and ready for installation. Using bullet-resistant glazing materials, we manufacture products that meet your exact requirements for ballistic resistance.

In addition to designing and manufacturing bandit barriers and other counter-protection products, Insulgard also offers complete installation services at your location. Contact us for more information about our counterline systems.



The Arched Counterline Window System is the most commonly used bullet-resistant barrier and features an arch configuration providing natural voice transmission. Typically utilized by banks, credit unions, check cashing facilities, and governmental offices.

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The Baffle Window System is the oldest style of bullet-resistant barriers. Utilizing staggered pieces of bullet-resistant glass, this system provides unobstructed views and provides maximum voice transmission. Typically utilized by banks, credit unions, check cashing facilities, and governmental offices.

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The Square Top Counterline Window has small, secure air passages through the frame to facilitate natural voice communication. This product is best for communication within three feet of the window.

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Typically utilized by banks, credit unions, check cashing facilities, and governmental offices. Baffle windows feature an offset glazing system that allows for natural sound transfer with minimal visual obstruction.

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Horizontal sliding transaction windows are usually equipped with a hole and backer-style voice port for clear voice transmission. Sliding transaction windows are ideal for high-traffic facilities such as medical offices, government buildings, or law offices. To pass packages or documents through, the window slides open easily.

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Vertical sliding transaction windows are ideal for high-traffic facilities such as medical offices, government buildings, or law offices. A sliding ticket window with a deal tray is available to pass documents back and forth.

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Bandit barriers are fabricated from clear, bullet-resistant materials that are made to separate the area in front of a counter from the secure space behind it. They are meant to provide physical protection for employees at banks, utility companies, convenience stores, and any location where there are team members or valuable items behind a counter.

The actual materials used can vary depending on the needs of each particular facility. However, they often provide protection against ballistics and physical impact. They are meant to protect against a variety of forced robbery or burglary threats, while also deterring criminal activity from occurring in the first place.

In addition to providing a strong layer of physical protection, most bandit barriers also offer plenty of visual clarity. The idea is that they can provide protection when a threat does occur, without preventing the day-to-day interactions between team members and customers that help a bank or business run.


Bandit barriers are constructed using bullet-resistant glazing. This material can be made using plastics like polycarbonate or acrylic, or even a mix of synthetic glazing and actual glass.

These materials are made to be a bit flexible, so they can more easily absorb the impact from ballistic rounds than traditional glass on its own. So if a security incident does occur, the material will not shatter or spall. Instead, it stays intact when struck with ballistics that fall under the rating that a particular piece of material is approved for.

For instance, some panes are rated to withstand a few shots from a low-caliber handgun, while others are approved for higher-caliber or even shotgun rounds. Even though no material is completely “bulletproof,” these panes are able to resist penetration of the bullet and shattering upon initial impact and prevent harmful shards or debris from creating extra hazards for employees, visitors, and anyone who may be present when an incident occurs.

Installing bandit barriers at your location does not guarantee that there won’t be any armed robberies, thefts, or attempts at your location. However, they can help you minimize the likelihood of these events occurring and severely lessen their impact over time.

They may be especially beneficial when paired with other security measures to create a secure environment where employees feel safe working and customers and visitors feel secure as well.


Bandit barriers aren’t just about stopping armed robberies from taking place. They can also deter potential robberies from occurring altogether.

Many of these incidents are crimes of opportunity. Installing bandit barriers over countertop systems at convenience stores, retail locations, or financial institutions, may force potential assailants to think twice about targeting your location when they’re looking for an easy payday.

In addition to stopping the potential loss of merchandise or cash, the idea of deterring crime before it starts can also help businesses and building owners create environments where employees and customers feel safe and secure.

The fewer violent incidents there are at a location, the less that business is going to be associated with violent crime, and the fewer team members and visitors are going to be affected by stressful personal experiences that might shape their opinion of your location.

Additionally, bandit barriers can deter theft that may take place during “smash and grab” or other types of forced entry scenarios where perpetrators aren’t necessarily armed. These incidents are nearly always carried out when assailants spot an easy target and think they can simply take off with valuable merchandise without being apprehended.

Since bandit barriers are resistant to ballistics and many forced entry threats, they aren’t likely to shatter or give way when thieves try to manipulate them. And many aren’t likely to even attempt this style of theft when there’s any sort of barrier present in the first place. So you can use them to keep merchandise safe and prevent employees from witnessing or being a part of any stressful or scary situations related to these types of theft.

Ready to Start Your Next Bandit Barriers Project?

If you think that your facility could benefit from installing bandit barriers, contact our team today to discuss your options. We offer a variety of materials and solutions to fit the needs of specific companies, financial institutions, and even government facilities.

Our team can help you choose the best options for your needs, customize them to your specific building and protection standards, and then install them at your location.

In addition to bandit barriers, we offer a variety of products designed to provide protection against everything from debris impacts caused by high winds to forced entry attempts. Our products are tested to meet rigorous safety and protection standards.

Ready to get started? Contact our team to discuss your next project or request a quote today.